Financial Technology, Inc. Employee Benefit Services

We Make Complicated & Comprehensive Benefit
Plans Simple
You Make the Decisions … We Do the Work
Financial Technology Employee Benefit Services - Consulting
What is our basic business responsibility?
To find businesses who need and want the unique services we offer.
Why might a business need this kind of professionally oriented service?
To coordinate and help make optimum use of business dollars in the critically important areas of your employee benefit plans.
FTI applies our expertise to our client's health and welfare employee benefit plans by asking:
What do you have?
What does it cost?
What do you want?
Can you afford it?
What is your most serious concern regarding your current benefit plans?
Then we assist you in designing plans, which allow you to resolve your concerns and achieve the short and long-term goals your plans were designed to achieve while remaining responsive to your desires to keep your programs vibrant and meaningful to your employees.
We want your employees to view their benefit plans as “personal assets” provided by you, to them, to better their “quality of life” … NOT JUST ANOTHER BENEFIT THAT COMES WITH THE JOB!
Historically, the service described above was what clients expected from their agents. Today, as Consultants and Agents we bring much more to the table.
COMPLIANCE – Assistance with all the issues the Affordable Care Act has added to your employee benefit plan concerns.
COMMUNICATION – Providing secure online access to all benefit plan information. Tailored to each employee's selected benefits.
HR BACK UP – To assist your HR Department … becoming the HR Department’s “backroom”.